Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Flat Belly Drink
A Great way to enjoy your Beverage , yet a flat Belly too.

Iced Peppermint Tea:
This minty thirst quencher is super refreshing on a hot summer day, but it’s also a supereffective belly flattener. Peppermint tea helps your stomach process fat, ensuring even high-fat foods like burgers and steaks are digested quickly, which helps prevent bloat.Green Tea
Green TeaBesides reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease, green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that studies show can help reduce belly fat. If you sip green tea before a workout, these compounds can also increase your fat burn during aerobic exercise.
Watermelon SmoothieAs long as they’re made without sugary mixers like sherbet, smoothies are a guilt-free way to hydrate—and watermelon is a terrific, low-cal smoothie base. Not only is it a natural hydrator because of its water content, watermelon is also loaded with nutrients, including cancer-fighting lycopene, as well as an amino acid known as arginine.

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